UO Lab in the Department of Chemical Engineering
Unit Operations Lab

The UO Lab emulates a real-world chemical processing facility.
Your generous gifts to the lab endowment allow the department
to continue to improve and maintain this exceptional facility.

Review Your Sample Plan by Semester


In 2025, its first full season as a registered student organization, Huskies Curl elevated both its membership numbers and performance in national competition.
Huskies Curl Takes Silver in National Collegiate Competition

Bonspieling their way to national success for the second year in a row, Huskies Curl at Michigan Tech — a . . .

Jon Herlevich Selected for Deans’ Teaching Showcase

College of Engineering Dean Michelle Scherer has selected Jon Herlevich ‘94 ‘97, professor of practice in the Department of Chemical . . .

Seth Kriz Selected as MTU Nominee for MAGS Excellence in Teaching Award

The Graduate School announced that Seth Kriz, Ph.D. student in chemical engineering, has been selected to represent Michigan Tech as . . .

Robert Handler Receives the Bayard Rustin Award

The Daily Mining Gazette and WLUC TV6 covered Michigan Tech’s 36th annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. The event included a keynote address by author . . .

In the News

Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was mentioned by Lab Manager in a story previewing the 2025 Lab Design Conference, set for May 11-14 in . . .

Caryn Heldt In the News

Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was interviewed by Technology Networks for a story exploring how new technology and workflows could enable more efficient purification . . .


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  • 90%
     student participation in co-op, internship, or Enterprise
  • TOP
    ranked for starting salaries among Class of 2020 engineering graduates earning bachelor’s degrees (NACE)
  • 3
    semesters of student experience in a simulated chemical plant
  • 93%
    undergraduate placement 2017-18
"We just announced funding for Michigan Tech to help develop technology to recycle batteries in a way that uses less energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions."President Joe Biden, November 29, 2022