Bonspieling their way to national success for the second year in a row, Huskies Curl at Michigan Tech — a . . .

College of Engineering Dean Michelle Scherer has selected Jon Herlevich ‘94 ‘97, professor of practice in the Department of Chemical . . .
The Graduate School announced that Seth Kriz, Ph.D. student in chemical engineering, has been selected to represent Michigan Tech as . . .
The Daily Mining Gazette and WLUC TV6 covered Michigan Tech’s 36th annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. The event included a keynote address by author . . .
Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was mentioned by Lab Manager in a story previewing the 2025 Lab Design Conference, set for May 11-14 in . . .
Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was interviewed by Technology Networks for a story exploring how new technology and workflows could enable more efficient purification . . .