Jerald A. Blumberg began his career at DuPont after earning
a Chemical Engineering degree from Michigan Tech in 1960.
He was named Director of the White Pigments and Mineral Products
Division in 1983, was transferred to DuPont Japan Ltd. as
President in 1985, and was named Vice President-International,
responsible for all Asia Pacific Operations in 1987. In 1990,
he was named Senior Vice President-Employee Relations and
later that year became Senior Vice President-DuPont Human
Resources and DuPont Corporate Plans and a member of the Office
of the Chairman. From 1992 to 1995 Mr. Blumberg was Senior
Vice President Dupont Fibers; which included Nylon, “Lycra”,
“Dacron” and “Corian”. In 1995 he
was appointed Executive Vide President and member of the Office
of Chief Executive. He was also Chairman of the Environmental
Leadership Council. Mr. Blumberg is a past member of the American
Textile Manufacturers Institute, the National Textile Center
University Consortium Oversight Committee, the Delaware Art
Museum’s Board of Trustees, the Michigan Tech President’s
Club, the board of the Del-Mar-Va Council of the Boy Scouts
of America, the Delaware Child Care Connection, and the Medical
Center of Delaware. He received the Michigan Tech Board of
Control Silver Medal in 1992 and is a member of the Michigan
Tech’s Presidents Club, the National Society of Professional
Engineers, and AIChE.