The Distinguished Academy
of Chemical Engineering


Mr. Bruce L. Oliver


Bruce L. Oliver

Mr. Bruce L. Oliver was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1941. He later moved to Clinton, MI where he was Valedictorian of his high school class in 1959. He then attended Michigan Tech receiving his BS in Chemical Engineering in 1963. Bruce joined the Dow Chemical Company immediately after graduation. Bruce spent his career at Dow Chemical in research and development working with such products as polypropylene, polyethylene, latex, Ziploc, Handi-Wrap and Saran Wrap. His first assignment was as a Plastics Engineer in Midland. In 1966, he moved to Freeport, Texas and continued to work in plastics applications. In 1969 he moved back to Midland as Group Leader for Saran TS&D. In 1972, he became Research Manager in the Saran and Converted Products Lab of the Michigan Division of Dow. In 1977 he was made Research Manager of Consumer Products and Industrial Saran Films and in 1979 he was named Senior Research Manager, Consumer Products. In 1982 he became Laboratory Director of Latex R&D, in 1987 Senior Laboratory Director of Barrier Resins and in 1990 he was made Operations Director for Michigan R&D. In 1992 he became R&D Director of Employee Development and Quality Performance of the Dow Chemical Company, the position from which he retired in 1997 after 34 years with the company. Bruce married Roberta Parker, a Michigan State graduate, in 1963 and they had 2 children together. While at Michigan Tech, Bruce was Treasurer of Blue Key and President of Sigma Rho Fraternity. He is a member of the Michigan Tech Board of Trustees and he is their representative on the Alumni Association Board. He was also Regional Co-Chair for the Saginaw Valley Leaders for Innovation capital campaign.