Smegal received his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering
from what was then the Michigan College of Mining and Technology
in 1957, and graduated Cum Laude with a Juris Doctor from
the George Washington University Law School in 1961. A specialist
in providing expert witness testimony in intellectual property
disputes, Mr. Smegal has been a frequent lecturer on intellectual
property law and litigation at the Center for American and
International Law and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth,
as well as in educational seminars sponsored by the state
and national intellectual property law associations. Mr. Smegal
was a partner in the San Francisco office of Knobbe, Martens,
Olson & Bear from 1998, when he opened that office, through
2005, and now practices law in his own San Francisco firm.
has been nominated by two presidents to serve on the Board
of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation, and in recognition
of his life-long dedication to delivering legal services to
the indigent, the National Legal Aid and Defender Association
honored him in 1987 as the recipient of its prestigious Arthur
Von Breson Award. He has been long active in professional
associations, including positions as President of the American
Intellectual Property Law Association (1986), Chair of the
American Bar Association Section of Patent, Trademark and
Copyright Law (1990-1992), and President of the Board of Directors
of the International Association of Intellectual Property
Lawyers (1995-2001). Mr. Smegal is the author of numerous
articles regarding intellectual property law, and has practiced
full-time in the field for 43 years.