PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 2 for 1996/97

Item Number Group Number Date PAWS Form Filled Out Unsafe Act / Situation / Suggestion Action Taken/Safety Suggestion Person Responsible Open / Closed Comments
Cycle 2              
40 01a 10/28/96 Acetic acid stored in cabinet labeled spill dams Removed to use, then it was stored in chemical cabinet   closed  
41 02b 10/31/96 Task list in the report should include who will perform the emergency shut down procedure in case of an emergency of drill     closed  
42 02b 10/31/96 The spout for the condensate out of the exchanger has no steam trap so install a warning     closed  
43 04a 10/29/96 Dr. Mullins had on porous footwear Informed Safety Committee   closed  
44 04b 10/31/96 Mop and bucket were left out by the single pass heat exchanger at the end of the day Put it away   closed  
45 04b 10/31/96 Indigo carmme was in the chemical storage cabinets with no right to kow label     closed  
46 04b 10/31/96 DOW Corning chemicals don't have right to know labels on them     closed  
47 05a 10/29/96 Sale was not accurate Scale was labeled "Do not use" and TA was notified   closed  
48 05b 10/31/96 Swing arm of the finned tube/spiral heat exchanger wouldn't hold still and was spilling water on the floor It was wired to another pipe to hold in place   closed  
49 05b 10/31/96 Spiral heat exchanger gashed in spilling water onto the floor. The gasket needs changing     closed  
50 06b 10/31/96 Someone used their right hand to turn on the main power switch. Reminded everyone about the left hand rule   closed  
51 06b 10/31/96 Someone stole and ate a banana chunk He was told to take off   closed  
52 07b 10/31/96 There is no sodium bicarbonate on the second floor of the lab in case of acid spill     closed  
53 07b 10/31/96 Left hand rule cannot be used to disconnect the "TD PP UFO" near the dryer     closed  
54 07b 10/31/96 There are no spill dikes on the second floor     closed  
55 09a 10/29/96 A lab group left without checking out A TA was informed   closed  
56 09b 10/31/96 No ladders are on the second floor     closed  
57 09b 10/31/96 The power switch for the ro-tap is directly over the machine. It should be away from it     closed  
58 12a 10/29/96 The experiment was left unattended by all four group members The safety committee was notified   closed  
59 01b 11/7/96 The yellow grate needs a section cut out to prevent splashing The safety committee was notified   closed  
60 02a 11/5/96 Only one group member was at the experiment Filled in while the missing member was away   closed  
61 02a 11/5/96 Left front leg of the batch filtration tank has a broken support Tim Gasparich was informed   closed  
62 04b 11/7/96 No chewing gum rule should be added to the UO Safety Manual     closed  
63 06b 11/7/96 Thermocouples 8,9, and 10 are inoperative     closed  
64 06b 11/7/96 Someone entered the lab without a hard hat Tim Gasparich told her to put a hat on   closed  
65 09a 11/5/96 All drains to steam lines were closed at the beginning of the lab Valves were opened and water was drained to prevent a " steam hammer"   closed  
66 09a 11/5/96 What is the definition of "near" when dealing with proximity to one's experiment     closed  
67 10a 11/5/96 Equipment not cleaned or properly connected Informed safety committee, TA, and Dr. Mullins   closed  
68 10a 11/5/96 Get some sodium bicarbonate up here in case of acid spill     closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Konell, and Bryan Vogt