PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 4 for 1996/97

Item Number Group Number Date PAWS Form Filled Out Unsafe Act / Situation / Suggestion Action Taken/Safety Suggestion Person Responsible Open / Closed Comments
Cycle 4           closed  
94 6a 2/4/97 had shut down for the day and were returning glassware without the use of a bucket reminded them that a bucket needs to be used and showed them were to get one   closed  
95 6a 2/4/97 sodium hydroxide stored in improper location moved to designated storage area   closed  
96 6a 2/4/97 potassium hydroxide stored in acid storage moved to designated storage area   closed  
97 6a 2/4/97 Power boxes left energized boxes turned off   closed  
98 3a 2/4/97 valve V-17 is heavily corroded and appears to leak slowly inspect valve for integrity and replace if necessary   closed  
99 8b 2/6/97 All valves are poorly labeled, some valves are labeled twice with different numbers Told safety committee about this problem   closed  
100 8b 2/6/97 The safety crew checked the showers during prime working hours (morning 2/6). This causes somewhat of a slip hazard. Check showers when groups are not in lab.   closed  
101 8b 2/6/97 For extract flow splatters all over the floor, rust spot. Cut a hole in the grates so it doesn't splatter.   closed  
102 5b 2/6/97 One group was no familiar with the emergency shutdown procedure for their experiment Suggested they learn it.   closed  
103 3a 2/11/97 Balance scale over the grate which must be lifted if the floor drain is to be plugged (in case of spill) Moved balance over   closed  
104 6a 2/11/97 Hearing protection for cooling tower. Edit safety manual such that NRR>15 ear plugs are required while blower is in use   closed  
105 6a 2/11/97 Green eyewash (NW corner second floor of lab). Right dust cover sticks to nozzle. Repair/replace dust cover such that water pressure will push cover off when valve opened.   closed  
106 6a 2/11/97 The new safety inspection checklist is still not available for use. Put the new checklist out (obtain form group which modified it)   closed  
107 6a 2/11/97 Feed sample nozzle could cause injury to persons taking top sample (puncture wound). Shorten sample nozzle.   closed  
108 5b 2/13/97 Person carried glassware without bucket. Told him to carry glassware with a bucket.   closed  
109 5b 2/13/97 Solid left in pipe from previous group caused plugging. Flush out tank and pipes with pure water at the end of each experiment.   closed  
110 5b 2/13/97 Group left equipment running unattended. Told them that someone needs to be present when equipment is in use.   closed  
111 5b 2/13/97 Person did not have ankle high boots while running the experiment. Safety committee told him he needed boots. He didn't have any so we provided him with some.   closed  
112 5b 2/13/97 Hearing protection should be required while pump is running. Included that in the JSA.   closed  
113 5b 2/13/97 Faculty without proper safety boots. Reminded him that he needs them when in lab.   closed  
114 5b 2/13/97 No first aid kit on the second floor in lab. Filled out PAWS form.   closed  
115 8b 2/13/97 Equipment left totally unattended while agitator was running. Informed group and safety committee.   closed  
116 8b 2/13/97 Carrying syringe with needle expanded and carrying very unsafe. Possible injury to self or others eminent. Told group of unsafe practice and informed safety committee.   closed  
117 8b 2/13/97 One person left attending equipment while operating. Notified group member and safety committee.   closed  
118 8b 2/13/97 Carrying toluene glass bottle without safety carrier. Notified group member and safety committee.   closed  
119 5b 2/13/97 UO lab relief device maintenance program. Proposal presented at safety meeting by group 5b.   closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Konell, and Bryan Vogt