PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 6 for 1996/97

Item Number Group Number Date PAWS Form Filled Out Unsafe Act / Situation / Suggestion Action Taken/Safety Suggestion Person Responsible Open / Closed Comments
Cycle 6              
146 13a 4/8/97 Nitrogen alarm went off Sunday April 6. Public Safety responded and tried to enter the lab. Officer was told that he needed proper breathing equipment in order to enter the lab. Tim arrived and checked Oxygen level and turned alarm off.   closed  
147 02a 4/22/97 Frayed electrical cord on heater for PDMS bench scale. Tim was notified of the situation   closed  
148 05a 4/22/97 Students performing CSTR commented that the noise from the cooling tower experiment was loud. Recommend that students working on experiments around cooling tower also wear ear plugs.   closed  
149 06a 4/22/97 Student commented that the current ear plugs are uncomfortable to wear for hours. Suggested the use of ear muffs.   closed  
150 12a 4/22/97 Person left jacket on top of fire cabinet. Person was notified and moved jacket.   closed  
151 01b 4/22/97 Safety group performing shower inspection allowed water to drain on the floor behind the PDMS experiment from the 1st floor shower.     closed  
152 01b 4/24/97 A member of the safety committee entered the lab without a hardout. Signaled person to get a hard-hat.   closed  
153 02b 4/24/97 Trident meter leaks on the magnetic meter on the flow measurement experiment. It appears to be missing a screw.     closed  
154 02b 4/24/97 East wall manometer for the flow measurement is contaminated, making reading difficult.     closed  
155 08b 4/24/97 Bench scale room is very crowded, upto 8 people at a time. Suggested buying a new balance, since extra people come into that room to use the balance.   closed  
156 08b 4/24/97 No nitrogen alarm in the PDMS bench scale. Tim was notified. Suggested performing calculations to determine of alarm is needed.   closed  
157 08b 4/24/97 Student was transporting a container of methanol without a bucket. Student was notified and given a bucket.   closed  
158 08b 4/24/97 Fume hood in PDMS bench scale room seemed to not be working very well, at a low face velocity. Tim was notified and explained that the lower velocity is due to open doors and windows yielding poor suction.   closed  
159 08b 4/24/97 Many chemicals, including flammable chemicals, sitting on countertop where they could be knocked over. Took no action. Recommended that the chemicals be stored in useable bottles in fume hood. Also 5 gal. of endblock A stored at chemstores.   closed  
160 09b 5/1/97 KOH solution left unattended Flushed down the drain with plenty of water.   closed  
161 08b 5/1/97 Premade solution of KOH for PDMS group was washed down the drain by another group who needed the beaker. Talked to the other group and made another solution.   closed  
162 08b 5/5/97 Graduate student was observed in the UO Lab w/o safety glasses or a hard hat. They were observed going from the shop office into and out of the lab area. Informed this person of their improper protection equipment and also informed Tim Gasperich about the incident.   closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Konell, and Bryan Vogt