PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 4 for 1997/98

Group Number Date PAWS Form Filled Out Unsafe Act / Situation / Suggestion Action Taken/Safety Suggestion Person Responsible Open / Closed Comments
Cycle 4              
86 11B 1/5/98 PDMS when operating RV-72 the air vent valve of the ste generator releases steam on arm Told Safety committee and whowed them the situation. Add pipe to vent TPG Closed done sum'98
87 5B 2/5/98 Glycerine and methanol were being stored in the cabinet for sand by the fluidization experiment, despite the fact theat they were improperly labeled on the outside of the cabinet. Ethanol was moved to the fuel cabinet on first floor, where it is properly labeled. Glycerin moved to storage cabinet in the storage room, where it is labeled properly   Closed  
88 5B 2/5/98 By the shell and tube heat exchanger experiment, there is a 50 gal. Drum being stored over the drain hole, thus making it difficult to secure the drain if a spill occurs. Change the storage spot of the drum and notify instructor of the experiment of the hazard.   Closed  
89 5B 2/5/98 Drain plug located by shell and tube heat exchanger is obstructed. Desk is situated in front of it. Maybe move the plug higher or move the desk behind it TPG Closed done sum'98
90 12B 2/5/98 CSTR group member carrying glassware on spiral staircase Notified safety group   Closed  
91 3B 2/5/98 Group moving CSTR apparatus improperly when the wheels are supposed to be locked. Cords were across walkway. Very unsafe as things shook while the moved it.  Notified safety group and they delt with the issue   Closed  
92 9A 2/10/98 245 fluid weighing station, transeferring chemicals to cans, PDMS without goggles Called over radio and inquired if everyone was wearing safety goggles. They put them on.   Closed  
93 5B 2/12/98 PDMS funnel kettle loading top left open Closed it   Closed  
94 4B 2/12/98 CSTR, The previous group did not clean up the 2nd reactor after the experiment with phenolphtalein still left in there Cleaned up after finishing the experiment.   Closed  
Cycle 5              
95 2A 3/11/98 Valve tags on single pass heat exchanger are worn and unreadable Fill out new tags TPG Closed This is the UO class's job
96 12A 3/17/98 NaOH was being stored in Tim's office Placed NaOH in chemical storage   Closed  
97 12A 3/17/98 Person entered lab without safety glasses Notified person of safety glasses rule   Closed  
98 12A 3/17/98 Person seen carrying glassware up a ladder for LLE Told person to climb ladder, then pick up glassware once on top   Closed  
99 12A 3/17/98 Person seen with untied boots Told person to try laces, suggested double knot   Closed  
100 2B 3/19/98 Spiral heat exchanger leaks. Fix leaky valves TPG Closed which valves?
101 11B 3/19/98 N2 piping in Room 213 w/ no low O2 alarm Place a low O2 alarm in room TPG Closed No O2 alarm needed.
102 11B 3/19/98 Rusty, leaky tank in flow measurement Replace tank   Closed  
103 11B 3/19/98 No spill containment around tanks Seal floor, have mop and bucket handy TPG Closed Get from Basement floor
104 11B 3/19/98 Room 213 has leaky manomet and valve (V-17) Replace valve, fix manometer TPG Closed which valves?
105 2B 3/19/98 Inside lip of 55 gal. drum in room 212 is sharp Pounded down sharp point TPG Closed done sum'98
106 1B 3/19/98 No spill kits listed on UO map Place spill kits on UO map TPG Closed Included in f'98 UO safety manual
107 11B 3/19/98 Wire across floor in room 213, tripping hazard Place wire where it will not cause a tripping hazard   Closed  
108 11B 3/19/98 Shaft guard on pump for flow measurement inadequate Cover shaft with safety mesh TPG Closed Not needed per UO staff-already guarded
109 1B 3/19/98 No exit sign above B003 Place exit sign above B003 TPG Closed Done 9'98
110 11B 3/19/98 Ladder in room 213 does not have a rail Get rail for ladder TPG Closed Already has a rail
111 11B 3/19/98 No first aid kit in room 213 Place a first aid kit in room 213 TPG Closed done sum'98
112 6B 3/19/98 Bench scale PDMS lab was cluttered Suggested proper cleanup of lab area once finished   Closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Konell, and Bryan Vogt