PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 1 for 1998/99

Item Number Group Number Date PAWS Form Filled Out Unsafe Act / Situation / Suggestion Action Taken/Safety Suggestion Person Responsible Open / Closed Comments
Cycle 1              
1 3B 9/24/98 Strong smell around the LLE experiment. Hoods don't appear to be working even though they are turned on. Checked with Tim Gasparich and he checked the system. He turned on Part of the hood system (in B003) that should have been on all day. TG closed  
2 1B 9/24/98 Spill kit located in wrong spot on 1st floor moved to correct location   closed  
3 1B 9/24/98 Bandaid clear tape missing out of first aid kit on basement floor talked to Tim, see Carol Belanger   closed  
4 2B 9/24/98 People leaning over top balcony verbal warning   closed  
5 1B 9/24/98 No tag on gas cylinder in Room 205 A new tag was placed on the cylinder   closed  
6 1B 9/24/98 Bad housekeeping in Room 205, overfilling of waste disposals of syringes, etc biohazard needs to be disposed of   closed   
7 1B 9/24/98 Improper check-in procedure for bioreactor group Should have special checkin/checkout procedure when working from 9am to 12pmin 1/2hour shifts    open  
8 6B 9/24/98 1 1/4' high pressure tapplugged Clean out TG closed  
9 2A 9/22/98 Student in lab had jeans tucked in to boots Notified Student of hazard of material falling down leg into boot   closed mention@safety meeting
10 2B 9/24/98 Transporting glassware without a bucket student advised to use a bucket   closed mention@safety meeting
11 11B 9/24/98 Barrel Overflowed and spilled on to floor notified group to clean up   closed  
12 2B 9/24/98 On shell and tube heat exchanger, eliminate splashing onto vacuum dryer Recommend Splash Guards   closed   
13 6B 9/24/98 2nd floor manometer bypass valve on East wall is leaky Notified Tim Gasparich TG  closed  
14 6B 9/24/98 2nd floor leaky valve Notified Tim Gasparich TG  closed  
15 2B 9/24/98 leaky valve in front of CSTR Notified Tim Gasparich TG closed  
16 6B 9/24/98 wire mesh over the railings is bent on the edges and scratches people as they go by, 2nd floor Notified Tim Gasparich TG  closed  
17 11A 9/22/98 Protruding bolt from pipingsystem on clip. Clip is near water supply tank for Pumping B Reversed bolt, repaired 9/22/98 TG closed  
18 6B 9/24/98 loose nuts on railing, west side should be tightened TG  closed  
19 2A 9/22/98 Ladder was transported vertically instead of horizontally Group members were corrected   closed mention@safety meeting
20 8A 9/22/98 One person moved 6, 8, and 12ft ladders all at the same time Group members were corrected   closed mention@safety meeting
21 3A 9/18/98 Almost no marking of temperature hazard on steam lines for cooling tower mark steam lines more effectively    closed New insulation -wear gloves 
22 5A 9/22/98 Plastic bottle of PDMS in flammable cabinet, not listed on cabinet contents Removed from cabinet and disposed of properly TG closed  
23 1B 9/24/98 Leak under metal grating dripping to basement floor talked to Tim TG  closed Use Spill Dikes 
24 3A 9/22/98 equipment locked out, but no name or date on the tag Notified Tim, new tag was made TG closed  
25 5A 9/22/98 No evacuation route posted in Room 205 Notified Dr. Shonnard    closed  
26 2B 9/18/98 Asbestos exposed on shell and tube heat exchanger Notified Tim, asbestos covered TG closed  
27 3B 9/24/98 LLE, near flowmeter of kerosene near thermometer, the male/male adaptor to female double pipes is leaking Replace/tighten connection TG closed  
28 5A 9/29/98 Calcium Carbonate powder spilled on floor and on equipment cleaned up KM closed  
29 5A 9/29/98 Backpack in Lab Removed backpack from lab KM closed  
30 7A 9/29/98 Individual in film crew was not wearing a hard hat Informed film crew of laboratory rules   closed  
31 4A 9/29/98 Handle in the 1" valve falls off by itself due to vibrations Suggest to replace valve TG  closed  
32 4A 9/29/98 Manometer does not stop for reading, may have a leak in vent valve Suggest to replace valve TG  closed  
33 10A 9/29/98 Room 213, Chicken wire on railing near the pump has sharp edges repaired 10-1-98 TG closed  
34 1B 10/1/98 The first spring nut on the 2nd floor NW corner is loose, grating is loose repair  TG  closed  
35 12 B 10/1/98 1st floor viscometer bench, mercury blew out of manometer, improper procedure used shut down air pressure line, contacted TG, and returned Hg to the manometer TG, LW closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Kon˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙