PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 2 for 1998/99

Item Number Group Number Date PAWS Form Filled Out Unsafe Act / Situation / Suggestion Action Taken/Safety Suggestion Person Responsible Open / Closed Comments
Cycle 2              
1 2A 10/27/98 Transport of thermometer up spiral stair case Contacted Safety Committee   closed   
2 4A 10/27/98 NO TA available for check out None    closed  
3 4A 10/27/98 Improper shoes in lab Informed student    closed  
4 4A 10/27/98 Book bag on floor near experiment Informed student    closed  
5 5A 11/3/98 Standing on stool/ not ladder Informed student    closed  
6 7A 10/27/98 Water leaking from 3rd floor notified safety committee    closed use spill dikes 
7 7A 10/27/98 Lose clamp on flow meter  notified TA and tighted hose clamp    closed  
8 8A 10/27/98 no one in area/ with out proper checkout tracked down and told    closed  
9 8A 10/27/98 leaking equipment from pipes on 2nd floor wiped floor and talked to people running experiment    closed  
10 8A 10/27/98 Glasswear placed on ground  informed group and moved    closed  
11 8A 10/27/98 No dusk mask used in fluidization informed person running experiment    closed  
12 8A 10/27/98 First Aid Kit in basement missing items Replace missing first aid equipment    closed  
13 9A 10/27/98 Room 205 phone hanging over eyewash move cord away from eyewash    open  
14 10A 10/27/98 no MSDS for beach sand Found in MSDS log as Cas # 14808-60-7    closed  
15 11A 10/27/98 no nut on sample valve Tighten valve with nut  TG closed  
16 11A 10/27/98 no one in area of heat exchanger informed group about 2 person rule    closed  
17 2B 10/29/98 loose nuts on railing, Rm 213 replace missing nuts and tighten bolts    closed  
18 2B 10/29/98 Valve 14 in Rm 213 is leaking tighten packing TG closed  
19 2B 10/29/98 no hand rail in Rm 213 stairs build hand rail    closed  
20 3B 10/29/98 no emergency sticker 123 posted near phone in Rm 211 put sticker near phone    closed  
21 4B 10/29/98 no packing on flange near sample valve insulate flange around pipe union    closed  
22 5B 10/29/98 insulation on steam exachanger getting loose replace insulation    closed  
23 6B 10/29/98 floor grate improperly placed informed Safety Committee    closed  
24 6B 10/29/98 overflow of manometer from 2nd floor informed Safety Committee    closed  
25 7B 10/29/98 cabinet doors above magnetic stirrer are in way Moved stirrer out of cabinet door radius    closed  
26 10B 10/29/98 Leaky valve labelled 11, 4 way pass replace seals on valve    closed  
27 10B 10/29/98 no jacket on spiral exchanger of water heater attach jacket to heater    closed  
28 11B 10/29/98 earplugs not used during experiment reminded group members to wear earplugs    closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Kon˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙