PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 5 for 1998/99

Item No. Group No.  Date PAWS Form FIlled Out  Unsafe Act/Situations/Suggestion  Action Taken/Safety Suggestion  Person Responsible    Comments 
Cycle 5
1 2B 3/25/99 Cooling Tower experiment was left unattended for 15 min.  2 people need to be attending running equipment at all times   Closed  
2 2B 3/25/99 CSTR lab equipment drawer has a mixture of glass and metal objects. We suggest separating the metal from the glass and putting them in separate drawers. Unknown if action taken or not   closed Cleaned up. 
3 12B 3/25/99 Flasks were transported without a bucket to contain them.  Person told to use a bucket next time..    Closed  
4 12B 3/25/99 Student not wearing hard hat and safety glasses. Told person to put hat and glasses on and he/she complied.    Closed  
5 3A 3/30/99 Student not wearing proper protective equipment while making  KOH measurement. Person told and he/she complied .   Closed  
6 6A 3/30/99 Viscometer circuit breaker should be labeled AE222 per instructions  and it is not.  Needs to be labelled AE222   Closed New label ordered. 
7 4A 3/30/99 Student not wearing hard hat while in UO lab. Told person to put hat on and he/she complied.   Closed  
8 9A 3/30/99 Safety Shower next to solvent recovery needs a sign indicating the drain empties onto the flow below.    Open  
9 9A 3/30/99 Boxes were placed in front of fire extinguisher and safety shower blocking access . Boxes were moved.   Closed  
10 9A 3/30/99 Unlabelled research glassware in RM 205. Told faculty member.   Closed  
11 10A 3/30/99 Cooling Tower group left the steam and cooling water running while cooling tower was unattended. TA and safty group turned off the water and the steam.    Closed  
12 3B 3/30/99 North end of basement of UO lab steam line 90 and 125 have 'damaged' insulation on them near the Solvent Recovery Unit.   Open Will repair. 
13 12B 4/1/99 Drain pipe in NW corner of UO lab runs onto the floor and then down to the drain. It is a slipping hazard. Informed Tim Gasperich   Closed Safety Shower Closed. 

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Kon˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙