PAWS Tracking Results for Cycle 6 for 1998/99

Item No. Group No.  Date PAWS Form FIlled Out  Unsafe Act/Situations/Suggestion  Action Taken/Safety Suggestion  Person Responsible    Comments 
Cycle 6
1 6A 4/20/99 Student not wearing hardhat in lab Informed Student,he/she put hat on   Closed  
12A 5/4/99 Single pass heat exchanger left unattended with water running  Water was turned off   Closed  
3 7B 4/22/99 LE211 Breaker Switch label detached New label installed TPG  Closed  
4 7B 4/22/99 PDMS Experiment Group forgot to turn off LE211 Breaker Switch Switch was turned off   Closed  
5 7B 4/22/99 Mislabeled container for CSTR experiment Label corrected    Closed  
6 7B 4/22/99 Entire CSTR group left for lunch without shutting down the experiment Another group 'watched' their experiment for them   Closed  
7 7B 4/22/99 3 unlabelled flasks found in fume hood in RM 205 Informed faculty    Closed  
8 7B 4/22/99 Person removed glasses and hat while in UO lab Informed student,he/she put his/her glasses and hat back on   Closed  
9 7B 4/22/99 Dirty/rusty water in Pumping B experiment.  Water drained and replaced.   Closed  
10 7B 4/22/99 Fence by Pumping A has sharp ends No action taken yet- need to dull the ends TPG  Open  
11 7B 4/22/99 Student spit on control room window Student cleaned window   Closed  
12 7B 4/22/99 Person not wearing hardhat in UO lab Informed person, he/she put hat on    Closed  
13 7B 4/22/99 Left hand rule not used by person who turned on power breaker Informed the student   Closed  
14 7B 4/22/99 Cooling Tower exiting water tube clamp removed and fell into drain. Informed Tim Gasperich. Group got a new clamp. Clamp still missing.   Closed  
15 2B 4/29/99 PDMS person neglected to wear gas mask when catching a sample. None was provided. Informed Tim   Closed  
16 9B 4/29/99 Solvent Recovery leak above T104. Informed Tim Gasperich.   Closed  

Copyright © 1998 by Jason Burtch, Rich Hammond, Jeremiah Kon˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙